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Your Financial Future

Much of what we do today is to improve our future financial position. As with anything, we can get better results by following a plan. This is why both an Estate Plan and a Financial Strategy are important for those who want to ensure better tomorrows for ourselves and our …

Feel Good Tax Relief

Carl and Cathy are well aware of the substantial tax advantages of making charitable contributions as well as the good feeling they get by helping their favorite charity. In addition to their annual contributions, they would like to bequeath more substantial amounts to their chosen charity in their wills. Some …

Over the past several weeks, provinces across Canada have relaxed social distancing rules and begun the process of “re-opening” for business. Looking back over the past three months, while there have been many moments of stress and anxiety, there have also been moments to be thankful. What is there to …

If any good can come from an economic downturn it is that people are forced to think more seriously about their financial success strategy. Many people affected by the economic damage wrought by the recent COVID-19 pandemic will change their financial habits by cutting back on spending, reducing debt and …

One of the world’s richest men, Warren Buffett, acquired his wealth by following a very simple rule during times of market volatility: “Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful.”   With mass media websites trumpeting headlines like “Oil collapse and global stampede out of …

Choose Wisely

Almost everyone agrees that it’s a good idea to have a will. However, it is estimated that about half of Canadians do not have one, and it is likely that many wills are out of date, perhaps even invalid.   Not having a will can make the sorting out of …


Without barely a moment’s thought, you would…

Do you ever feel like life is too automated?  Maybe…

You have worked all your life and saved for…

After years of living the “rat race”, you are looking…

First you were putting on their diapers. Then you…